You have less than three years to get training to run for office or do volunteer work for Sarah's Party. Here is the source for training in New York State. NEW YORK STATE GOP.
As more people sign up here I will post their state. 50 States -50 GOP Party Locations. There are 435 Congressional Districts we must cover in the 50 states of the United States. There is no National Headquarters for Sarah Palin as she has not declared her candidacy. When she does this site will work there. ###
The purpose of this blogspot is to begin to organize by Congressional Districts for a Sarah Palin Presidency. This is not an official Sarah Palin site as she has not declared her candidacy.
I am I am in the 29th Congressional District in New York State. Please list your e-mail and Congressional District in the COMMENT SECTION.
I will notify you with information about registering voters and a national media list for announcements to the press.
You will also see information for other sites on the Internet working toward Sarah Palin's election. You will want to read each one. Note that some sites change daily.
This is how sick New York State Congressional Delegation is (ex Pete King- R) AND
One contribution at a time to end Socialist Democrats's TYRANNY over New york State.
Read this link. You never know when your little Congressional District will mean this much. Governor Palin's endorsement of HOFFMAN in NYS 23CD is back in play.
CONTACT WEBMASTER for Republican Catholic and CD4Palin